Parents, guardians, grandparents and community members are critical to our students' academic success and well-being.
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please contact a building principal as each school has different opportunities available:
Elementary School - Brad Jones, 641-585-2670, bjones@forestcity.k12.ia.us
Middle School - Sarah Leichsenring, 641-585-4772, sleichsenring@forestcity.k12.ia.us
High School - Ken Baker, 641-585-2324, kbaker@forestcity.k12.ia.us
Activities/Athletics - Chad Moore, 641-585-2324, cmoore@forestcity.k12.ia.us
In addition, we are so fortunate to have several Partners In Education who are always looking for volunteers!
To provide for the safety and well-being of our students and staff, background checks are required for most volunteer positions to enter our buildings and to work with our students.
Background Check Requirements
An approved volunteer application and a background check are required to work with students. Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to mentoring, field trip chaperones, volunteer coaches, activities volunteers and classroom helpers.
A background check is required for:
Volunteer working one-on-one with a student.
Volunteer working with limited supervision or alone with students.
Volunteer accompanying students on a field trip.
Application Process
Contact a building principal first to identify volunteer opportunities.
Complete the Volunteer Application and Consent Form to Complete a Background Check and return the forms to the Forest City School District Office, 145 South Clark Street, Forest City or email the completed paperwork to lgann@forestcity.k12.ia.us.
Background checks typically take one week to process.
You will then be notified of your application status and if approved, your application will remain on file at the school district office.