Activities and Athletics

Activities Director Chad Moore    641-585-2324 

Assistant Activities Director Jeff Jerome    641-585-4772

Athletic Ticket Gate Now Cashless graphic

Important! Forest City Schools Athletic Events Updates and Expectations

Effective 12/1/2024

As the winter sports season begins, Forest City Schools is announcing changes to our ticketing process (cashless ticket gate).  We would also like to take a moment to address an important issue regarding crowd etiquette during our sporting events. Click here to read the full message. 

NEW! The year-round online shop features a basic selection of Forest City (FC) and Indians-branded merchandise and apparel for all ages and sizes. Orders ship directly to customers. 

FC Dreamcatcher logo
Forest City Logo Use graphic

Forest City Indians

The Forest City School District encourage students to explore their interests and passions in addition to academics at all grade levels. Extracurricular activities are integral parts of learning and promote student confidence, leadership and cooperation. 

We will happily share our logos for apparel or other purposes. 

Click here for information


Facebook logo

Forest City School District 

FC Wrestling

Forest City Fine Arts Patrons

FCHS Indian Sports Boosters Club

X logo













Instagram logo



You Tube logo and streaming link

Used for Under-Level games 

School logos and links to KIOW Video Stream

Varsity events and certain performances. Check KIOW's site for the schedule.


Reference Board Policy 908FC for complete policy

The Forest CIty Community School District acknowledges passes to allow free admission to all home high school athletic events (including bowling) and high school concerts. Activity passes of any type do not allow free admission to the following: Musical, Play, Spotlight, any State of Iowa sanctioned tournament series games/events, admission to shared athletic events in which FCHS is not the host school. ie. swimming, hockey, soccer, concerts, etc., Prom, Forest City Education Foundation Events and other events that explicitly express "Activity Tickets Not Valid For Entrance" when created;


High School Activities 

Clubs, Sports and Fine Arts Activities Graphic

Middle School Activities 

Clubs, sports and fine arts activities graphic


Lightbulb resource graphic

