Daily Schedule
Elementary begins 8:10 a.m. M/T/TH/F 3:10 p.m. dismissal and W at 1:50 p.m.
Middle School/High School begin 8:15 a.m. M/T/TH/F 3:20 p.m. dismissal and W at 2 p.m.
School Year Calendar
E-Learning Days
Up to 8 E-Learning days will be used with the remainder of the snow days added to the end of the school year (Board approved 7/10/23)
Top of Iowa Conference Calendar
Our calendar can also been viewed in our Forest City CSD app. Search for "Forest City CSD" in your app store.
There is also a calendar app called "R School" that you can download from your app store. Select Iowa, Top of Conference and Forest City.